Evergreen Legacy Fund
Photo by Ron Ruhoff
We’re proud to announce that the Evergreen Legacy Fund has been nominated for Nonprofit of the Year. Use your phone to connect to the Chamber of Commerce site to cast your vote.

What is the Evergreen Legacy Fund?
The Evergreen Legacy Fund (ELF) collects a 1% donation added to the bottom line of receipts of participating area merchants and restaurants to fund critical public safety projects in the activity centers of Evergreen that are otherwise not being addressed. Businesses and individuals can also make direct donations to the fund.
In addition, ELF serves as a coordinator and/or conduit for legacy projects funded privately or in partnership with ELF.
ELF meets two critical requirements for applying for grants: It serves as a reliable fundraising source and it has an established partnership with a governmental agency.
Why is there a need?
Evergreen is not incorporated, and as such does not have any public infrastructure management or the ability to make improvements and much needed repairs to our local Evergreen business and activity centers. It is important to get local life safety and connectivity projects done that are not otherwise the obligation of local or state agencies.
Evergreen is at risk from over-use and under-repair. It is time our current infrastructure lives up to the exceptional quality of life that brought us all to this wonderful community.

How can you help?
By becoming an Evergreen Legacy Fund Member your participation and donations will be used to improve our local infrastructure and business and activity centers in numerous ways…
Consider reflecting your love of Evergreen when you name beneficiaries in your will or on life insurance policies, IRAs, and bank accounts.
If you would like to sign up and start contributing, follow the link below to join us today.